I Was, I Am, I Will Be: A True Life Tale of Undercover Crime and Romance

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I Was, I Am, I Will Be: A True Life Tale of Undercover Crime and Romance


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Written by John Coventry and Trish Faber. There’s nothing more intriguing than a true-life thriller, where the protagonist maneuvers through a world of high-stake drugs, espionage, and terror. Along the way, he unwisely falls in love with a woman whose commitment to her cause is greater than the love she shares with him. “I Was, I Am, I Will Be” chronicles the life of a young British man, born into wealth, prestige and a family name dating back to the 1600’s. But this storied background isn’t enough to save John Hugo Coventry from the lure of easy money when the opportunity arises. How does he get in this mess? And how the hell is he going to get out of it?