Backwards Book Publishing: Save Time, Earn More, Work Less by Dr. Robert C. Worstell

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Backwards Book Publishing: Save Time, Earn More, Work Less by Dr. Robert C. Worstell


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How to Save Time, Earn More, Work Less by Publishing Backwards?!?

(Note: See the bonuses in the back of this book, along with audio to each chapter.)

The situation that most starting authors have (and I've seen the same thing you've run into) is: How the hell do you get from here to there?

You hear and (are constantly told) about these outrageously successful authors. But only a very small few percent of people actually achieve that.

If you want to be successful you've got to study success. What I found by studying all these guys that are making six- and seven-figures as an author is that most of them have been starting out with books and ending up with courses. (Which makes the author more money: a $3.99 book or a $399.00 course?)