The Night We Lost Cleveland

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The Night We Lost Cleveland


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Many of my short stories are about the scientists and other crazy people who fall victim to new technologies, specifically, Genetic Engineering.
In the story The Night We Lost Cleveland, our protagonist, Elmer, a fourteen year-old boy abuses his grandfathers CRISPR-Cas9, a genetic engineering tool box so simple to use a graduate student in microbiology could unleash a GENECAUST. That’s a shameless plug for an a novel we published.) 
The CRISPR-Cas9 in the story is not fiction. Google slap it and search YouTube for the real thing. Well, the term Model 12 is fiction, but If you don't believe this could happen, keep an eye on eBay.
I hope you enjoy the story. Remember, I only write about my dreams and nightmares. -E L Russell