Back by Sunrise

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Back by Sunrise


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Brooke lived the dream of becoming a bird, and never wants to be a bird again.

Winner of the 2015 Children's Book Award, BooksChoice4U

A young girl named Brooke becomes a bird with the help of a magical necklace her dad left behind before deploying with the Army.

When the necklace is stolen by a conniving raven, Brooke must battle his pigeon minions and enlist the help of a friendly mouse and some not-so-friendly rats to take back her necklace and return home.

Young Readers (7-12).

The precursor to the Allie Strom Trilogy.
- Allie Strom and the Ring of Solomon
- Allie Strom and the Sword of the Spirit
- Allie Strom and the Tenth Worthy