Deviant: Calla & Jason - Part 1

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Deviant: Calla & Jason - Part 1


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Billionaire Errol Jameson is bored. Money has been able to buy him everything, and with all life goals met, he needs new challenges. He decides to create his own reality show to appease his voyeuristic tendencies, his first unwitting test subjects and show stars: Calla & Jason.
Jason has been in love with his best friend’s girl for a while now. The three of them have known each other since adolescence, but Scott whisked Calla away before Jason could even begin to make sense of—and act on—the tender feelings he has for Calla. But life has thrown an unexpected curveball, and he finds himself trapped in an unfamiliar place with Calla. A disembodied voice tells them that the only way they’ll be freed is to give in to carnal intimacy. Will they find another way out?