The Silver Skull - Book 3 in the Mastermind Academy Series

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The Silver Skull - Book 3 in the Mastermind Academy Series


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Things are blowing up again at Mastermind Academy. The headmaster’s hot on Isabelle's tail, investigating her mysterious disappearances. She’s trying to please a friend by staying away from another. Then Lemuria kidnaps her family, and will kill them, unless she gives him a magical crystal skull. Time is a ticking so she must team up with her new friend to help track it down.

Poor Boldrick had the day from hell. Ridiculed and attacked with a broom, he decides to find a cure to become human again. Nothing he tries works, and somehow he’s inherited a spirit from a shaman. In exchange for delivering the spirit’s messages, Boldrick receives a gibberish clue for his quest. But unraveling each clue leads him deeper into danger, which he doesn't think he can get out of.